
Looking for a journalist to interview on International Commission on Human Rights Experts

This is a last call for a desperate attempt for Justice in Tigray 

I will be happy to arrange an interview with a Tigrayan expert who has been at the forefront of advocating for the extension of the mandate of the International Commission of Human Rights Experts. 

International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (ICHREE), based in Entebbe, Uganda and led by a Chair and two other high-level experts appointed by the President of the Human Rights Council, has been given the task of conducting a thorough and impartial investigation into alleged human rights violations that have occurred in Ethiopia since November 3, 2020. This investigation will include violations of international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and international refugee law, with a focus on any potential gender-related aspects of these violations. The Commission's goals are to establish the facts and circumstances of these abuses, collect and preserve evidence, identify those responsible, and make this information accessible for accountability efforts. 

The myriad reasons driving the pursuit of international justice in war crimes underscore the significance of this endeavour. From uplifting and healing victims to deterring future violations and promoting global peace and reconciliation, international justice serves as the foundation upon which societies can address the egregious actions committed during times of armed conflict. By seeking international justice in Tigray and elsewhere where similar war crimes take place, we strive towards a world characterised by accountability, respect for international humanitarian law, and a resolute dedication to moral and legal principles. Thus, the UNHRC needs to extend the mandate of ICHREE as it is the first step in seeking accountability and international justice.

This should be for publishing or broadcast and I promise you, this interview will provide valuable insights. If you can also provide meaningful introductions, count yourself on the side of justice!

Please international media listen to us, please 

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