Underprivileged children going through verification process for donation of learning materials

Photo Credit: Photo credit by @sheriffaidfoundation

Growing up as a child I use to think that my community is not a safe space for child to grow up. Seeing teenager girls get pregnant and drop out of school at the end of the day go in to prostitution young boys get in to drugs and started stealing at some point I became comfortable after been influence in Becoming friends with some of my female friends I ended up being pregnant at age 16 drop out of school after I gave birth to my child with the help of my parents I was sent back to school. At that time I was been bulled in school by my teacher and some students as well. But I did not give with hope I said to myself I will be a role model for the young kids in my community with the grace of God I completed my education am now in my community changing life through my foundation called the Sheriff Aid Foundation

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