My Cybersecurity Journey

Photo Credit: Mr. Aretas

Training of youths on digital skills

In the world of tech, where cyber threats run rife,

To be an expert in cybersecurity is life.

The journey to expertise is one worth telling,

So come along with me, let me start from the beginning.

First, let me say, it wasn't always clear,

That cybersecurity was my path, it's odd I know, my dear.

But one fateful day, an attack we did face,

Our company's data was gone without a trace.

It was a wakeup call, and I heeded the alarm,

I knew we needed to be safe from cyber harm.

I read every book and took every course,

I was determined to stop any future data loss.

My core values were established, to protect and to serve,

To defend from malicious attacks with assertive nerve.

Integrity, honesty, and loyalty were my guide,

To master this skill and keep data safe on our side.

I had to keep updated, every new threat in sight,

Just like data and systems, against time and events we fight.

Then, it was time to put my skills to the test,

I started in small environments where I'd invest.

I'd see how the hackers gained entry, for any weakness they'd seek,

So I would devise ways on how to make our system's security thicker.

I worked hard and was promoted to lead the charge,

And my mentor would always tell me, "stay on guard".

My journey continued, expanding my knowledge every day,

There was so much to learn and so much more to say.

I took on leadership roles, always teaching and guiding,

Passing on the expertise, the knowledge with a binding.

As I look back now, I realize how far I had come,

From a novice to an expert, the journey yields the outcome.

The core values of cybersecurity have molded my way,

From the tech that we use and the people we say.

Integrity, honesty, loyalty are values I hold dear,

To protect and to serve, without any fear.

To be the best, the expert, and keep our data secure,

And always be proactive, never complaisant or obscure.

Deep within, cybersecurity is a passion of mine,

A world that's forever changing, in defense we combine.

It's the core values that got me to my expertise and to believe,

Those values will forever remain, they'll never cease.

Digital Skills
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