My love for craft

Growing up as a child wasn't easy, I was sad, withdrawn and sad. My mum left when I was just 3 leaving us with my dad, am from a family of 5 am the 4th child. My grandma took me, trained me with love and gave me the best cuz she saw the future, may her soul rest in peace. At the age of 8 my uncle took me to Abuja where my journey to life begins, my uncle tried until he got married things changed cuz his wife saw nothing good in everything I do. God was preparing me for a better life, my uncle was later transferred to Lagos. There I met a family who took me in, loved me and gave me the best. But I was not fulfilled I had a dream of being a designer, I could make dresses with just a needle and thread. God keep me going, after I left my uncle's house and returned back to my people, I got admission to study soil science, was this really what I wanted? I push forward not minding all the obstacles. I dared my dream went to learn my dream skill, today I am fulfilled and happy. No matter your beginning if u pressed on you can make it work. Trust God and don't ever let anyone tell you you can't, believe in yourself. I encourage young people never let your God given talent die because no one is there to help you trust God who is above all.

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