Jan 21, 2015

Siti Rahmawati
Joined Feb 7, 2009
Pulse Wire help me much to understand about the problem of women in the whole world. Beside that I can share my idea, story and condition of women in my country. With sharing on Pulse Wire, other member will give comment or reply my article, and it’s really good. Other wise, I can get the information on how to improving the women condition from other and maybe the problem solving will fit on my country.
I found Pulse Wire for the first time while I am starting to write my research about women in the royal palace. I was trying to find some article that correlate with it. Google search engine gave me this website and I click it then in several minutes I become a member of Pulse Wire. Just a day after being a member, some friend added me and we send email as well. I am very glad to be part of Pulse Wire because women are speaking lot about the condition around her. The most interesting part is the stories from other underdeveloped country that similar with my country, Indonesia.