
Photo Credit: Faith Peters

What inspired me to find my light/power/voice.

I grew up in a small town in Lagos state Nigeria where girls literally exist to please men.

You just make sure to get into high school and after that, look for a man to get you pregnant and then be a housewife for the rest of your days.

Every thought about that pisses me off because I knew deep down that I was created for more and I have a light inside that I have to find. I knew I have a voice and I needed to start speaking.

After high school, I lost my power and my voice! I was lost for so many years chasing shadows. Also chasing men.

Then 2020 happened and I really had the time to sit myself down and talk to myself.

I searched for the light inside of me and I found it.

I searched for my voice and I found it!

That was how my brand was born - THE BALANCED LADIES NETWORK.

At TBLN we teach ladies how to find their light, power, and voice and how to balance every aspect of their lives.

We believe that our emotion is our power and not our weakness.

You can also find your voice today!🦋

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