
Our Team is Forming!

🦋 Hey everyone! Here's our Update from Imaara 🦋

We're thrilled to announce 4 fantastic additions to our team:

  • two new Senior Managers: Girija and Aakanksha
  • The Butterfly Hug Program Manager: Nikita Singh
  • The Butterfly Hug Online Project Manager: Efe Omordia

With their expertise, we're set to take Imaara to new heights, and we have some exciting work in the pipeline.

Now, here's how YOU can support our mission:

 Apply to be a part of our core team: We're yet to find a fundraising, marketing, and translations Manager for Imaara. You can apply or share the news with someone who may be interested: https://www.imaara.in/work-with-us

Internship/Volunteering: Apply to be an intern or volunteer for The Butterfly Hug Online Project [https://www.imaara.in/the-butterfly-hug-project]. You can imaara.foundation@gmail.com statting your positoin of interest [article writer, resource mapper, handbook creator, webinar interning]. Feel free to tell us how you think your skills align with our vision and why youre interested in the position.

Donate: Your contributions go a long way in helping us make a difference. Every bit counts, and you can donate directly through our website. https://www.imaara.in/donate

Share the Word: Spread the word about our NGO and our recent updates on social media, WhatsApp, and among your friends and family. Awareness is key!

Spread the News: Even if you can't donate or buy art, simply sharing this message and our art sale news with your network can make a big difference.

Thank you for being part of our community and supporting us in our mission to create positive change. Together, we can achieve great things! 🌍❤️ #NGOUpdates

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