Pamper yourself! Take a break!

Pamper yourself ! You deserve it

Nature has healing power

Pamper yourself!

Well, being a burnout teacher we need to pamper ourselves, I travel in northern areas, meditate, enjoy having a cup of coffee with my family or friends.

In the hustle bustle of city life, remote areas are very peaceful and relaxing. It is very important to give a pause, take a break and think, reflect on your work.

Be positive and learn from your errors ( humam errors) do happen as we are not angels. Reward yourself, with spa , your favourite activity or food.

It is important to love yourself and energized. Nature has utmost healing powers try to gain energy, positivity from mother nature.

Then back to work you go as fresh as a beautiful flower with positive fragrance spreading in your surrounding.

Last time when did you pamper yourself? Think about it!


Batool Kazmi

Moments of Hope
Peace Building
Spirit Awards
Training - Self-Care
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