Plant the seed of Hope! A visual message to plant the seed of Hope!

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We all can contribute to plant a seed of Hope.

Plant the seed of Hope!

Nurture the young brains with love, care, respect . They are the seeds of Hope to save the world.

Your action reflects more than teachings. From your eyes, they see the world. Give them stronger sense of vision to see the world through their own eyes.

They are the seeds of hope for the world's salvation.Becareful what you sow.

They see the external environment through your eyes. They gain the courage to face the obstacles because of your determination. Instill moral principles in children by demonstrating more and speaking less. 

Demonstrate the value of relationships to them.

So what are you waiting for?

Let's together plant the seeds of Hope and make world a better,peaceful place to live in.


Batool Kazmi

Moments of Hope
Peace Building
Spirit Awards
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