Jan 21, 2015
Joined Feb 16, 2009
Three mysteries of life and womanhood intertwined
Man and woman coming together To form life
Body changes and feelings you can not escape
Nine months of nurturing in the womb
Feeding, listening and feeling the little life growing inside you
The knowledge that your womb is now a playground to another life
Then the excruciating pain of contraction and labour
An experience that can not be explained
Unless experienced by one
Pain that makes you re think your decision
To bring another life into the world
Pain that robs one of all pride and shame
As you lie in agony stripped of shame
Trying to think of the good side
At the same time , remembering this has taken and also given lives too,
Pain which some regard as a privilege
And a rite of passage to the sacredness of Motherhood
At the sound of the cry and the sight of life
All pain is forgotten
Amazed at the bundle of joy
As a new love over whelms you
At the gift of life
Pregnancy – Childbirth - Motherhood