Pregnant Women Have Nothing To Prove

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Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes for some women - some good and others bad. But what is sure is that the pregnancy experience isn't the same for every woman.

I started a podcast on YouTube a few days ago and two Cameroonian women shared their experiences with their first and second pregnancies.

One of the women, Keinwi said, her second pregnancy caused her sight problems and blurred vision, amongst other things which were undesirable.

Some people think pregnant women are just being lazy when they can't do some kind of work.

Personally, I have lost some work opportunities because of severe morning sickness which kept me in the hospital during pregnancy.

Pregnant women have nothing to prove.

We need to let women know how much power they already possess by being entrusted with the womb that incubates and ensures the continuity of the human race. That's women's empowerment too.

Doing extra work during this season of your life as a woman is a matter of choice and personal fulfillment. The problem is if you do it to prove your strength. The world already knows how strong you are. You have nothing to prove.

This is not a call for laziness during pregnancy. As I emphasize in my podcast on "The Pregnancy Experience", pregnancy is different for every woman. Even the same woman doesn't always have the same experience with all her pregnancies.

So, as much as you want to show up every day, be mindful of your body signals.

God bless all women, you make the world a better place.

Watch my podcast on YouTube and share in the experience of some women. Please do leave a comment too. I have attached the link here.

#healthcare #womenshealth #pregnancy #Pregnancyexperience #reproductivehealth #motherhood #pregnancysymptoms #maternalhealth #childbearing #family

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