

Photo Credit: VSF Feb 2023 VAL edition

Rescue starts from a change in mindset.

Research has it that many more children are born in the month of September-November by young naive girls.

Though children are blessings to the world but could generate negative consequences as a result of the conditions surrounding their birth.

Young girls, due to several factors (puberty, peer influence...) usually crave to be seen and cherished by opposite sex. In their nativity, they sacrifice too many substances including their dreams and aspirations.

An average girl is made to see St Valentine's day as a day to express love and so many virginity lost, amongst other valuables. Many of these young people get to start the journey of single parenthood from that point. While many others begin their process of therapy combating physical and psychological health problems.

It is so disheartening seeing young girls battle with all sorts of trauma associated with teenage pregnancy/single parenthood/unchastity.

Hence, MY FIRST LOVE was organized in February 2023,

  • To create a mindshift in young people about the society's definition of LOVE.
  • To create awareness of the consequences of living unchastely and reinforcing the benefits of abstinence.
  • Tell stories of survivors and victims of Emotional Stress Syndrome.
  • To give mentorship to the young on love affairs or the matters of opposite sex Emotional attachment.
  • To help young victims deal or cope with problems identified with premarital sex. (School drop-out, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Post Trumatic Stress Syndrome, young single Parenting)

This event was a success. We look forward to the 2024 VALENTINE'S EDITION.

However, we call out for collaboration and sponsorship. Please kindly reach out to us, that we may HELP in full capacity.

In need of:

  1. Provision of basic needs for these young girls. (Food, clothing, toiletries, etc)
  2. Many need to go back to school. Hope reinstallment. Sponsors Needed.
  3. Therapy sessions for victims.

Please, reach our to us via virtuoussisters@gmail.com.

Future of Security Is Women
Survivor Stories
Moments of Hope
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