
Psychological and emotional GBV kills.

An example of a family who is faced with emotional and psychological trauma.

Emotional and psychological torture is another form of GBV.

Unlike the physical form of GBV that leave traces of violence , the emotional and psychological part don't.

This is because this form of GBV is exhibited through: insults or degrading words etc.

The effects of these verbal words can be perceived on a victim through thier degrading mental health and thier poor physical appearance.

The above mentioned form of GBV will require that victims speak out the trauma they are facing so they can be reached out to with help.

The picture below is an illustration of GBV and the effects it can have on families. Note should be taken that only women are affected by this form of violence but Men are as well victims as we have women who insult thier men untill they are turned to drunkards and term "useless " 

Also children are the most affected since they are living with it day in day out as if the violence is been perpetrated on them.

 This is the reason why we must joint our hands together to eradicate this phenomenon in our society at large and our communities and homes to be more precised.

Families let's stop GBV in our homes it is destroying our children.

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