Raising Animals Halal Standards

Queen Sheba D Cisse
Feb 27
Joined Aug 3, 2011

*Dear World Pulse,
I personally would like to THANK YOU the World Pulse Staff (writing /story) Team whom supported me in my writing of the story before publishing for the honorable article mention on Celebrating representing World Agriculture Day, JUNE 11, 2024. I AM INDEED VERY GRATEFUL.
QSAF- Queen Sheba Agriculture Farms Is Initiative partnership with Thioune Farming in the region of Mboro, Senega, West Africa to feed participating women, girls and orphans during seasonal food hardships in our program events at organization Queen Sheba Village in Senegal and Queen Sheba Village Association in Ghana. This partnership ensures and promotes sustainability and a call to action to end poverty and ensure that all people enjoy health, justice and prosperity.
QSV, Inc has six food distribution Events that contribute to/serve several villages in Mboro, Senegal
1. 60 Orphans -Benefitted - Giving Tuesday November /2022 , Camberene, Senegal
2.100- Benefitted - Ramadan Event, April 10th 2021, Village Mboro, Senegal
3.75- Benefitted- Feed The Children- Ghana-January 23, 2021, Western Region. Ghana
4.300- Benefitted- Feed The Poor , Kaolack, Senegal, October 17, 2020
5.250 - Benefitted- Feed The Poor, Eid Mubarak Event, July 21, 2021, Kaolack Region, Senegal
6.350- Benefitted - Feed The People, Eid Mubarak, September 27, 28, 29, 2023, Medina, Senegal
What does the word Halal mean?
Halal is a dietary law derived from Islamic teachings, meaning “lawful or permitted.” On the contrary, foods that are not considered halal are considered haram or “not permitted.” Because there are many culturally diverse places worldwide, with more to develop over time, it's important to cater to a wide range of schools of thought.
Basic tradition definition- When a product is certified as Halal, it means that it meets the criteria of a good and pure product. Halal products cannot be made from blood, meat of swine, dead animals, and they cannot be dedicated to idols or gods other than the One God of the Abrahamic Faith – the God of Moses, Jesus, and Abraham
What does it mean in practice at QSAF?
How are halal animals raised?
Unlike animals raised in factory slaughter warehouses, halal-certified animals must be allowed to graze freely, whether it be on fresh grass, hay, or silage (dried and fermented forage compressed into bales).
How do QSAF accomplish this?
What are the rules for halal animals?
Slaughtered animals must be acknowledged as sentient beings and slaughtered painlessly while reciting the "Bismillah and Takbir".The butcher is required to call upon the name of ALLAH-GOD (Bismillah) individually for each animal. If the animal is treated poorly, or tortured while being slaughtered, the meat is haram, which mean forbidden to consume(eat). Animals do not witness other animals being slaughtered. Thank GOD for this and completely to adhere to the rules and regulations of Halal policies.
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