
Saving money is preparing your child's future 3 times better

As a parent it's very important that we prepare our children's future with so much energy and Force that they don't end up suffering and being victimized for uncommon things. 

I believe most financial institution if not all in this present age have Link thier financial transaction with electronic transaction such as mobile money/orange money account whereby most of us have account with these mobile companies. This therefore is a gateway for most of us to engage in savings habits for future purposes.

Why must we safe in a financial institution....

1) they have physical structures

2) they are safest means to keep money although with few loopholes with some institutions.

3) if you child should travel for studies they will most at times ask you for a Bank statement or attestation of bank account. And most at times we will not have them if we own only electronic account . 

4) with your account in a financial institution linked to your electronic account, you can save as low as 300 hundred francs. Even if 1% will be deducted from the money saved, it will go along way to economise and safe monies that would have been wasted on unnecessary things. 

5) you would have atleast kept something for your child/ children and Future generation.

 therefore having an account will go a long way to prepare our children's Future.

So let me ask you are you saving money????

Do you have a bank account????

How often do you safe ???

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