Secret of my energy "A HUG FROM MY MOM"
Oct 15, 2019

Tiffany Brar
Joined Mar 1, 2018
There is nothing in this world similar to a mother’s love. It is the divine role and mission assigned for every single women in the world. Women are privileged and blessed by the almighty to enjoy the life of being a mother and nurturing the child form the infant and guiding till the adult stage.
To me the most beautiful thing in my very own world is the love of my mother and her hands that hugged me.
I still remember, my mother used to wait near to the gate during my early childhood days waiting for my arrival daily evening after the school hours. When the school van drops me near to the gate, I used to feel the footsteps of my mother approaching near me. She lifts and hugs me. There is nothing more in the world for me when I received that hug. Still at this age, even though I am an adult and being a matured women still I remember the warmth of my mother’s hug and the kindness behind it.
There are days where I feel lonely and drained in the long run of my life. I recharge myself just thinking of those hugs and love that I received from my mammosa (as I call my mom with love as mammosa).
Understanding is the best part of a mother’s role. No one can better understand a child other than mother. Same to me also. As a blind child she understood what are the things I need in my life for my best and independent living. She accepted me what as I.
None of the circumstances stopped her to take care of my needs and she always guided me with all the assistive materials that are needed for my life. She had a trust on me that as a single blind girl, I can change the life of my fellow blind women’s community and spread the hugs and love that I received form her in terms of service to the blind community.
Finally that is what I am doing know. I started my own organisation for the betterment and empowering the blind people all over the world. It is her vision and though I am girl with absence of vision I was able to accomplish it.
It is all because of the energy that I received each day from my mom’s hug.
I knew I can’t receive get my mom, hug now. Even though she is not with me physically, I knew each day she hugs me from heaven and with her blessings.
Love you mom and hugs for you also.