Everything is alive for us in this world.
Everything is alive for us in this world.
What is the purpose of life?
Everyone lives for himself...
The purpose of life is to serve others
The beauty of life is to love others
Everyone lives for himself
The greatness is in living for others
You don't need an NGO, a platform or any thing when you want to help others
All you need is intention, the ways will open for you
You look for God every where, but God is in everyone's heart
Help others , you will be helped too
Serve others you will be served
Humanity should be your priority
Respect, empathy, sympathy your tools
Be generous with your intentions
Let's not value a piece of paper over human feelings
Money flows like river,
let it flow .
What goes around, comes around!
Do good, feel good
Enjoy the beauty of life by serving humanity
Even with your beautiful smile or words,
Sometimes your words comfort others .
Your smile, kindness are all acts of charity.
Love you !