Silent Suffering: Unveiling Human Trafficking as Gender-Based Violence

We all know that human trafficking is a harrowing manifestation of gender-based violence (GBV), exploiting power differentials to coerce, deceive, or force individuals into labor or sexual exploitation. Predominantly affecting women and girls, it perpetuates cycles of abuse, trauma, and exploitation. Traffickers prey on vulnerabilities, including poverty, lack of education, and social marginalization, exacerbating the impacts on already disadvantaged groups. Victims endure physical, psychological, and sexual abuse, with limited avenues for escape due to coercion, threats, or debt bondage.

Moreover, human trafficking intersects with other forms of GBV, such as domestic violence and sexual assault, further compounding the trauma and undermining victims' agency. Addressing human trafficking requires multifaceted approaches, including legal frameworks, victim support services, and community awareness campaigns. By recognizing human trafficking as a form of GBV, society can better combat this pervasive and insidious crime, safeguarding the rights and dignity of all individuals.

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