You should support your child after graduating for a couple of years until they can support themselves. Our children are losing it at the point of transition because many parents withdraw support and ask them to come home and wait there. In your days as a parent, perhaps that was the route. You graduate, you go home. You would get a job with the help of relatives or your parent's friends, and then you left for the city. 

But nowadays, times have changed. Opportunities are fewer, it's congested everywhere, and someone has to be personally present and to fight to gain market entry. If you don't understand this, you'll force your child to choose between getting stuck at home or breaking away with you. Being aware of the market situation, they know there's little or no chance of ever growing if they stay at home. So they leave without your backing, and that's where predators and sponsors are taking over. They intercept them at points of financial vulnerability, and they offer them support in exchange for havingcsexual relations with them.

Either that, or they're stuck at poorly paid jobs where they're overworked almost to nervous breakdown, and yet they can't get out because you're nowhere to support them.

Many of the young people getting children with older, married people are not even careless. They struggle with the situation and cry themselves to sleep every night. If only they had you at their back to think and plan with them, they wouldn't engage in those behaviours. Many resort to early marriages and cohabiting with boyfriends just to get by.

Remember, these are still adolescents, and they can not think in three dimensions. They can not see where these greater mistakes will lead them to down the road. And just like that, they commence another agonising journey of bad relationships and getting children with the wrong people.

You can save their life by just extending your support by two years or so. If the other parent has taken a hardline, be the understanding one and stand by your child.

In short, it is pointless to educate a child for so many years only to drop them at the last crossing. If you want to see the fruit of your labours, you have to see what you started all the way to the end.

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