
Tailoring Skill Aquired!

Gradually the " finding Abilitiesbilities in Disabilities" training winds up.

We started with 20 girls with disabiliities, but only 12 of them completed the skill aquizition .

The girls living with disabiliities live mainly by begging and on the good will they get from people. More than half of them dropped out of school, and others never got to school because of their challenges.

They decided to acquire a skill to serve as a money making tool and to help them stop begging which exposes them to all sorts of danger especially SGBV and to be used for ritual purposes.undefined

They were mentored on our self esteem module to help them build confidence in their selves and taken on reproductive health talks and leadership skills.

Through the course of this training the girls faced challenges like distance to the center , lack of tools for practicals.

Rainfall and sandstorms were threats since we do not have a well equipped venue for the training.

Not daunted by these, we made it to the end as they were taught how to make dresses, shirts, trousers, blouses,bubus etc.


To round up this initiative we are left with giving them starter kits to enable them make it into a business for their financial independence and that of their families.

With $100 dollars, a girl can have all the basic tools she needs to start her own business.

We call for donations to help us round up this initiative.

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