Dec 17, 2019

Soorya Gayathri
Joined Jun 18, 2017
" Tell me & I forget. Teach me & I remember. Involve me & I learn". - Anne with an E
I had the opportunity to meet two different kinds of teachers.
In the first one, she broke my self-confidence and told me I won't be able to achieve anything in life because I wasn't able to solve math problems. Another one got me expelled because she thought I wasn't good enough because I didn't get good grades in maths.
In the second category, there was one teacher who helped me build up my confidence and taught me about life and told me that being different is good. She made me a dreamer. She told me that I have the power to change the world. Another one, who helped me in studying. He cleared my doubts whenever I called him. He didn't treat my doubts like it was stupid.
Whenever a kid tells me that they want to become a teacher I just think of the kind of teachers that I met and I hope they will go under the second category, where they will know that they have the power to inspire a student and transform students into dreamers.
Stay awesome ❤️
Soorya gayathri:-)