
Teen In Mothers Empowerment Foundation(TIME Ghana)

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Aug 12

Joined Sep 7, 2018

TIME Foundation Ghana was established in the year 2018, with the goal of Empowering Young Teen Mothers economically.

Since, 2018 TIME Foundation has worked and established over eight Teen Mothers in the Regional Capital of Ghana, Accra.

We identify these Teen Mother's on our outreach programs in the field. We go out for outreach ever six months, that means twice in a year. When we get hold of needy Teen mother's we take their data and enroll them under TIME Ghana Foundation.

I must say it's not easy but we shall get there one day. A step at a time.

Our activities include:

1. Awareness raising

2. Skills Training

3. Financial establishment, among others.

Awareness Raising

This section of TIME Ghana we educate our Teen Mother's on their sexuality. We discussed interactive around topics like

A. Menstrual cycle

B. Do's and Dont's of Pregnancies

C. Abstaining from Sex/Protection

D. Dropping out from School/Important of Education

In general we educate them to pass adolescent age before pregnancy. Also get education, work, and marriage first before thinking of bearing kids or having a family.

Skills Training

At TIME Ghana we believe in teaching people how to catch fish than giving them the fish. If we teach them to catch the fish and one day we are not around they can catch the fish themselves.

Skill training is very important in the development of entrepreneurship. We offer skills training services like

A. Soap making/Detergents

B. Weaving of wig caps

C. Batik the and dye

We thinking of exploring more into our local earrings and necklace but that will also be in the future since we don't have the resources yet and support to make these dreams into a reality.

Financial Establishment

As part of financial Establishment, TIME Foundation Ghana has supported five teen mothers with financial support to help their businesses.

This became possible after we sent proposals for support to individuals and philanthropists for financial support. The out was positive after several follow up's.

1st week December 2021, each of the teen mother's received 500ghc each equivalent to $100. Total support received was 2500ghc equivalent to $500.

Thanks to all who made this a possibility. TIME Foundation Ghana will resume back January 22nd 2022.

Training - Social Entrepreneurship
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