The 5th Global People's Health Assembly, Mar del Plata, Argentina, April 2024

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Eunice Owino


Joined Mar 1, 2013

Photo Credit: People's Health Movement Website

Opening Ceremony at PHA5; unveiling of continents

I was honored to be among the participants sponsored by Medico International to attend the just concluded Global People’s Health Assembly at  Mar del Plata Argentina from 6th -12th April 2024. This is a forum that brings together the right to health activists, human rights activists, ethnic peoples' rights activists, health workers, right to health organizations, health affiliated networks, allies and member organizations, health policy makers, academics and individuals.

The theme of the Assembly was:

Health for all in a "post-pandemic" world: Challenges and strategies for social health movements

The subthemes included:

Ø  Opening of the Assembly

Ø  Gender-based violence as a health justice and human

rights issue


Ø  Healthcare workers struggle for health for all with decent work

Ø  Advancing sexual and reproductive rights and justice

Ø  Women custodians of ancestral and popular knowledges

Ø  War and migrations, dispossession and resistance of ancestral knowledges and practices

Ø  Health systems, territories and ecosystem health

Ø  Ecofeminisms and ecosystem health

Ø  International Conference on Collective Health and Primary Health Care Debate 2 - Comprehensive PHC for the building of Universal Health Systems

Ø  Antimicrobial resistance and strategies for action in the 2024 agenda

Ø  Right to safe abortion in Universal Health Care: Confronting anti-rights movements & subjectivities for a just world

Ø  Rethinking social participation in emergency responses to address health inequities

Ø  The future Pandemic Treaty: a global commitment to health and equity?

Ø  Precarization and violence in the health sector

Ø  Why can’t all countries have a National Health Service?

Ø  Rethinking social participation in emergency responses to address health inequities

Ø  Racism, discrimination and health: Afro-Latin American and diasporic resistance on the move

Ø  Experiences of interculturality with the native communities of northern Argentina

Ø  Struggle for sexual and reproductive health in oppressive contexts

The opening Assembly was something to behold; with a representation of over 1,500 participants from 5 continents at #PHA5. I was truly humbled to have been chosen to carry the placard written 'Africa' and an earth-pot with seeds, signifying the foundation of life!

In this Assembly. we shared the struggle for health we each go through in our different countries and spaces and the need to unify our voices in solidarity! The forum provides a unique space for the exchange of experiences, mutual learning and the development of joint action strategies. Viva ! Viva ! Viva!!

#PHA 5







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