The best African language

It started as a hobby but grew to a campaign.

As time went on I strengthened the objectives which was to make people appreciate Pidgin English Language

I had several strategies. First I opened a Facebook group called Pidgin English Nation and I added as many people as I could to the group . I also had a slogan for the group . Something that would be easy for people to remember. I put the slogan on the logo

The group grew not as much as I wanted but I was surprised to see that non -Nigerians also speak and love Pidgin English

For example, Ghanians and people from Sierra Leone have their own version of Pidgin English so they also joined the group.

I also had requests from people that wanted to join.Even from places where Pidgin English is not spoken like Kenya .

Nollywood Film industry has made the language quite popular in Africa and beyond.

But unfortunately the group Pidgin English Nation is no longer active on Facebook because I lost my Facebook account.

I met some of the short term objectives of the campaign. Members appreciated Pidgin English more and I also got membership from the northern part of Nigeria. It was a pleasant surprise to me that they also love Pidgin English

Pidgin English can be used to promote unity in multi ethnic settings. Especially in a country like Nigeria where from time incidents like inter religious and ethnic clashes are reported .

That is my long term objective and that's what I intend to promote in my public telegram channel and new WhatsApp group channel with the same name 'Pidgin English Nation '

Taking this course will help me strategize better

Peace Building
Training - Basic Digital Skills
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