The Best Boxing Day Gift.

The other day at the 22nd Memorial Lecture of Hon. Odunayo Olagbaju-Misty, a man who dedicated his lifetime to serving humanity. I had the privilege to meet the general herself, Dr. Abiola Akiyode, the Executive Director of the Women Advocates Research and Documentation Center (WARDC).

The best gift we can give humanity is our selfless and impactful service, a person who truly lives is the person who lives for others. Twenty-two years later, we are still celebrating a man whose positive impact on the world around him will continue to be evergreen. To some, he lived too short, but his life and purpose were fulfilled to the ones whose lives were positively impacted by him. It is not how long we live but how well and meaningful we live our life, most especially, how well we can positively and impactfully live our life and leave a legacy that is worth building on.

As we celebrate Boxing Day today, let us be intentional in doing good, the best gift we can give humanity is our gift of selfless service. The world will be a better place if we choose to live for others.

Happy Boxing Day ❤️

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