We should love the girl child, we are full of what we cannot even describe. Out worth is indescribable and in a snap of our fingers 🤞 we can change the world. Bravery is our identity, and we are more than what eyes can see.

Photo Credit: Itunuoluwa.

The smile is giving me joy.😊

Speaking of eagles, people have said a lot about them due to their symbolism of beauty, bravery, courage, honor, and pride. That is why it is important and symbolic to humans.

But the fact is, it is a bird, a fifth-day creation. Coming to talk about something more symbolic and of higher importance made me ask.

What did you notice when you looked at her?

Maybe you saw a tiny being who looks really small and seems to not be worth much. But you know what? The eagle's magnificence is just a glimpse compared to who she is. She is not just what you see; she is who she is.

She surpasses the eagle in description, and saying that she is just beautiful is an understatement because she is a beauty with a brain. Her architect constructed her as a house of bravery and courage; her feet are light; and her ways and life have an impact on her generation.

You are looking for counsel, and you have it right with her. With understanding, she draws counsel from the depths of it.

She made integrity, strength, honor, glory, and excellence her clothing, and all she knows to do is good all the days of her life.

She changes the world with her knee on the ground. Her tears flow ceaselessly in travail for the nations to be reconciled with God, just like a woman in labor. Her candle does not go out by night, for the desire of her heart is for the whole world to fear the Lord.

What I see is the mother of a king.

She is not the king, but she births and trains a king. She nurtures him and makes sure his heart is a jewel. She is a symbol of truth and honesty, and she passes on the same.


Either she is slim or fat, or maybe she is black, white, brown, or red. She is not just what you see; she is who she is. What you see doesn’t determine her; what determines her is what she has, and that is God.

Hay! Ask me what I see, and I will tell you it’s more than I can tell. I see virtue, I see wisdom, I see a role model, I see beauty accompanied by a brain, I see a mother of nations, I see a woman of integrity, a special being created on a special day, words fail me to tell more, and you know what? You cannot afford to jeopardize this valuable girl.

Listen! Girl, Situations around you might not seem encouraging, but the only person who has the power to change you is you. So love yourself and live in the fear of God. Remember what the great book says:

"Many daughters have done virtuously, nobly, and well [with the strength of character that is steadfast in goodness], but you excel them all."

Remember again, God is up to something amazing in your life. You are just the best woman the world needs. So digest that.


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