"The Unseen Cost of Loving Too Deeply"

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Mar 27

Joined Oct 4, 2024

It’s a quiet tragedy, isn’t it? To love someone so deeply that you forget to notice how much you’re unraveling. You watch them bleed—open wounds, obvious pain—and you rush in like a savior. You hold them, stitch them up with every ounce of love you have left, and tell yourself, This is enough. You believe if you can just stop their pain, everything will be okay.

But while you’re so focused on their wounds, you don’t notice your own cracks. The way you falter just a little more each day. The way your hands shake when no one’s looking. The way you cry in the shower because that’s the only time you let yourself feel it.

And maybe the cruelest part of all is that they don’t notice either. How could they? Their pain is a thunderstorm, loud and relentless. Your cracks? They’re quiet. A small fracture here, a chipped piece there. No one thinks to ask if the glue holding you together is starting to wear thin.

You start to wonder: if I fall apart, who will hold me? If I break, who will notice? But you already know the answer. No one. Not because they don’t care, but because they’ve come to believe you’re unbreakable. And maybe you’ve let them believe that. Maybe you’ve whispered, “I’m fine” so many times it feels like the truth, even as you feel yourself slipping further into the dark.

It’s a lonely kind of love, isn’t it? To give everything you have and watch yourself disappear in the process. To hold someone else together and wonder if anyone will ever notice the pieces of you scattered on the floor.

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