The wisdom that resides in Nature

For over five years I have had a seat in all kinds of discussions within the sustainable (fashion) industry.

We've discussed strategies, certifications, goals, visions and communication, but I've noticed a narrative that echoes across different businesses and organizations.

One perspective that seems to have eluded many conversations is our personal relationship with nature, which to me is the most essential aspect of any discussion around sustainability. Because after all, why are we investing our time and efforts in this pursuit?

Today, I'm eager to explore a new dimension with my fellow industry and nature enthusiasts.

I want to hear about your experiences with the changes of seasons and the teachings that have impacted your own life's rhythms.

I want to hear about how we can learn from Earth's adaptability after you've patiently been observing the migrating birds for three consecutive seasons.

What have you noticed after taking care of a variety of local plants this summer?

There are valuable insights all around us waiting to be discovered, filled with nutritious solutions for the exact problems we are facing. Creativity is therefore not only an act of re-inventing ourselves, it is an act of presence and patiently observing what already is in front of us with eyes of curiosity and humbleness.

I want to invite you to share your stories, your insights, and the wisdom nature has given you. Comment below and, if you resonate with this perspective, consider sharing your own teachings of nature lately.

Together, let's broaden the conversation around sustainability, and deepen our commitment to a more harmonious relationship with the world around us!

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