To Us
Jul 19, 2024
Basudha Modak
South Africa
Joined Mar 27, 2018
Photo Credit: By brother .
Sun rise in Rural Tripura,India
To all those generations of women into whose mind it was instilled that we are not good enough .To those decades of non existence when judgements threatened to bury you into a pile of uncertainty ..
You never had a plan B ,you always gave the reason of your happiness to someone else .Now today,you come and find,you are neither a good daughter,wife or mother but just a sacrificial lamb in the ambitions of those whose names you carry ...
When few women like us kept grinding on,albeit slowly you kept on laughing and teasing and segregating us,because we were independent enough to buy assets,gift anyone,go on holidays alone ..
You presume our husbands are not happy ,but the opposite is always so true .They worship all the positive changes we have made for not only these generations but the future ..
Those very same people who were born into deep patriarchy ,now welcome and stand by us when they see their mothers ,sisters and other elders happy .We simply stood by them and returned their belief and confidence . After all every Man is finally a Mammas boy like ,we are our fathers ...
In this journey , we set our daughters free.They are finding their self worth much sooner than we,the black sheep ever did ..They surrounded themselves with people who respect their worth and ignore the others ..
I see it in the stubbornness that existed in me too ,but they can't be influenced anyhow .The glitter in their eyes says that ..
These girls never put their self worth into what others think ..
We took decades,but these young girls have already thrown the weight of the world's expectations,like dead skin .Hence they are always radiant .
That is how society grows ,one family at a time ..Spread out globally ,but growing as a single Unit ..
So what are You doing with your time ,and What Is your excuse ?Other than searching what a few of Us do with our time ? Oh Yes,I do observe,You are just not in my vision often