Violence against Children

Children are extremely fragile and tend to be overexposed due to their growth requirement where they have to mingle with a variety of people and in different sets as they can’t entirely choose where to be. Homes, daycare, church, and school among other places are the most likely places they will be at different phases and times in life, so parents have to be on the lookout and ensure that their growth is healthy for their well-being, I mean mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Depression is on the rise and it does not care what age one is for it to strike, read in between the writing, the said and most especially the unsaid for there lies a lot that is killing yet remains unsaid. Parents while out trying to fend for your children, monitor those tending to them while you’re away, some are mean and selfish and might end up maltreating your children at your own expense. A stranger can’t entirely train and take care of your child, some are there for the money and have no business nor passion to support in raising your child.

Most children left in the hands of nannies tend to adapt to everything passed to them and when maltreated threats are rained on them and they can’t speak up. Be busy but don’t be absent because some childhood traumas cannot be reversed they can only be avoided. Strangers are unpredictable and most of the time employers are not in a position to get all the information of their employees, they depend on what they say about themselves or what is said about them, and as much they anticipate they will deliver it is not always the case.

Domestic violence is another form of violence that goes a long way in ruining children, as the saying goes” When two bulls fight the thicket bears the brunt”. Is it what neighbors are saying about their parents how fellow children ridicule them or how the parents meant to protect them and drag them while in conflict? The violence goes a long way in destroying their self-esteem, and mental, physical, and emotional health, they become withdrawn and feel rejected and it in turn leads to depression and even death.

Parents it is okay to caution your children but how you do it should be a bigger concern. Caution but don’t destroy their inner peace or torture their feelings, which does more harm than good. Caution them with love and not bitterness and frustration. Words go a long way in mending or ruining things so choose your words wisely. In the event their siblings are doing better than them, don’t rub it in their faces by using comparison while correcting them, because it tends to portray favoritism and can lead to sibling rivalry or detachment as they tend to term themselves outcast and hence unwanted.

In the event your child complains about bullying and extreme punishment look into that, something is off, and if you don’t look into it that early you will be sorry. Bullying affects the social life of your child and their growth is entirely tampered with, they can’t play with their fellow children again, they can’t ask questions, and they go mute. In the event an injury is inflicted on them ask questions, defend them, make them feel at peace and loved, they tend to withdraw from their ills because of that single act of concern.

Sexual harassment is on the rise because society has grown to be so immoral, protect your kids from their possible perpetrators, and above indulge them so that they will open up in case anything comes up. Teach them about sexual harassment so they will detect it early. So many children are battling HIV/AIDs that they were not born with but because they were abused sexually while others are treating STDs and others are subject to deal with early pregnancies where some come with a lot of complications. Also, sexual abuse leads to hate where the victim can kill themselves to escape the sad reality, while others attempt abortion to get rid of the evidence of the nightmare and some choose to never fall in love because hatred makes them hate the entire gender and wants nothing to do with them.

Almost everything negative that children encounter screams violence, I mean threatens their well-being so parents should be extra careful because most ruin the present, and others tamper with the future. See things and respond, hear things and listen carefully, sense things and investigate further let's protect the innocence of our children and shape their future.

And for the government, there is a major role that is of ensuring that our countries are at peace at all times because wars snatch the health, peace, mental health, and emotional, physical, and spiritual stability of everyone and more especially the children. They don’t understand the reasons for the unrest they are just pushed into the dark. Some children grow up to be bitter and to some extent fighting terrorism remains just but a dream because the innocence of the children is replaced with bitterness and desire for vengeance in the event of wanting to revenge for what the war took from them. You have a bigger responsibility of redefining the present and the future. They don’t care about what brought up the war but how it affected them, creating their rebellion. Violence can stop, it is just a decision that should be made less the future gets damaged even before it starts.

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