Violence: we can eradicate it
Jan 21, 2015

Myriam Vololonarivo
Joined Aug 29, 2014
Home abandonment, scars, public humiliation, rape, violence against women is an everyday occurrence. The media never tire of talking about it. The victims remain silent. Violence is a fact that remains.
A man beats his wife because she speaks her insolent manner. This is often the case of domestic violence in many parts of Madagascar. At Anjezika, an area more or less hot in Antananarivo, the capital, most people share the same court. What makes the noises of the house next door can be heard throughout the neighborhood.
The weekend proves a pause for neighbors. It is almost 13 hours. Each household is preparing for lunch, but one that is heard by screams and crying. "Go on, get out and see what I would do to you! "roared a voice. Insults accompany these words, too. The wailing of a child meet these threats. "No, do not do that! No, Mom! No, dad, let there ", expresses the voice that cries. Meanwhile, other noises furniture and broken glass are heard. The atmosphere is lively in the house, leaving imagine the scenes of an action movie. "Here they go again. Every week it's the same old story. Sometimes they fight over nothing, "says Anicette Ratsimandresy, a neighbor.
For many malagasy people, domestic violence is a private matter. This does not, according to them, to intervene in cases of violence such as that of Anjezika. "It is often considered private. Fear or shame especially, those who survived the violence refuse to talk about both their families to the relevant authorities, "says the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, on the subject. Also, being beaten by her partner is normal for some women. "Approximately one in three women think that their partner has the right to beat his wife for one reason or another. Survivors suffer in silence while their tormentors live in freedom, "again according to UNFPA.
Rape, acts of homicide and even family abandonment among the violence against the fairer sex. In addition to physical acts, hinder personal development of his partner can be another form of violence. Prevent the woman to speak, to have a choice for every situation that presents itself as for education, occupations or careers are also forms of moral violence, according to UNFPA. The fight against this scourge is therefore conducted throughout the year. In celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the national 16 Days of Activism saw a new dynamic struggle to better eradicate the problem.