My journey to the Voice of the Future
Since childhood, I found lots of comfort, support and assurance from my sisters. We are 9 children in our family; out of which 5 are girls. I saw the way the girls were supporting my poor family while the boys were even looting the little that my parents struggled to bring home. I remember vividly at the age of 12, when my elder brother sold the only cow we had in pretext that he was going to do farming in a different part of the country only to drink himself silly.

It is my sisters who supported by education till university. It is my sisters who always visited me at school. My sisters were and are my refugee. They are my confidants.

When I established Trans-nzoia Youth Sports Association (TYSA), my passion was to inspire and empower the youths (Girls and Boys). The girls in particular are marginalized in many sectors and social systems. Through interactions, exchange programs, capacity building in areas of expert, access to education and life skills girls are able to build social support and become powerful world changers.

Pulsewire offers great opportunity for learning and build networks with an aim of inspiring women to take up their rightful place in society- making policies that are favorable to women advancement

Through TYSA, girls especially in rural Kenya where over 80 % of the population lives are accessing rare opportunity to education, sports, livelihood and receiving advocacy tools. To date over 120 girls are role model for their peers after strongly going against all odds in the community e.g. of marriage, early pregnancies, prostitution and went back to school and eventually succeeding in life. Through our sports empowerment program, self esteem has been restored for thousands of girls. Wiyeta Girls Secondary School is one such institution that devotes its energy in opening up opportunities of girls. I am one of the Key pioneers of the Girls Empowerment through Sports program in this school. I only started with one girl. The school is the East and Central Africa Secondary Soccer Champions. To date thousands are beneficiaries.

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