VOF week 2 ( possibilities )

I can not say my life has been a smooth ride all along.
I have faced challenges along the way, some of which I did not know how to handle..
Yet I give the credit to a mother who was always there to help me in the situations I faced.
It is unfortunate that she is Late, yet I thank her for she left me with a power that only a woman can give-Courage!

Have you ever wondered why a single woman is able to raise socially acceptable children to a higher % than men?, why she never abandons the family when things become tough?, it is because she has COURAGE to face what seems to be unatainable.

This is the reason why I have come to identify with pulsewire.
The women are courageous, but more so they have seen a possibilty in what seemed inpossible.
in my life I have always wanted to look for a possibility when faced with a situation presenting itself as impossible.I have a strong belief we can make an impact for a better tomorrow!

I usually say- Everything is possible if only we think positively-


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