
We are able

We are able: to celebrate diversity, promote inclusion, And Enhance well-being.

I am starting an organization that is going to advocate for disability rights, education and wellbeing cause People with disabilities are never included in Education: People with disabilities often face barriers to accessing quality and inclusive education, such as lack of accessible infrastructure, materials, and curricula, negative attitudes and discrimination from teachers and peers, and inadequate policies and funding. As a result, people with disabilities have lower levels of literacy, enrollment, completion, and attainment than people without disabilities. Health: People with disabilities often face barriers to accessing health care services and information, such as lack of accessible facilities, equipment, and transport, stigma and prejudice from health workers and society, and higher costs and fees. As a result, people with disabilities have poorer health outcomes, higher risks of secondary conditions and complications, and lower life expectancy than people without disabilities. Employment: People with disabilities often face barriers to entering and staying in the labor market, such as lack of skills and qualifications, discrimination and harassment from employers and colleagues, and limited opportunities and support. As a result, people with disabilities have lower rates of employment, income, and social protection than people without disabilities. Participation: People with disabilities often face barriers to participating in public life and decision-making processes, such as lack of representation and voice, exclusion from political and civic activities, and denial of legal rights and justice. As a result, people with disabilities have less influence and power over the issues that affect their lives than people without disabilities. My organization is a youth-led initiative that emerged in response to the persistent barriers faced by disabled individuals in various aspects of life, including education, employment, social participation, and accessibility. This initiative encompasses a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration between community organizations, government bodies, and the private sector to create a holistic support system for persons with disabilities.

Vision: A world where people with disabilities are respected, valued, and empowered to live with dignity, freedom, and happiness.

Mission: To advocate for the rights, education, and well-being of people with disabilities, and to promote their inclusion and participation in all aspects of society.

our target: To increase the enrollment and completion rates of children with disabilities in primary and secondary education by 50% by 2030.

To provide accessible and quality health care services and information to at least 80% of people with disabilities by 2030.

To create and implement inclusive policies and laws that protect and promote the rights of people with disabilities in all sectors and levels of society by 2030.

 To enhance the skills and employability of people with disabilities and increase their participation in the labor market by 30% by 2030.

To empower people with disabilities to participate in public life and decision-making processes and to have their voices heard and respected by 2030.

i need project manager:This person would be responsible for overseeing the whole initiative, setting the goals and objectives, planning the budget and timeline, coordinating the activities and tasks, and monitoring the progress and outcomes. The project manager would also communicate with the stakeholders, partners and donors, and ensure that the initiative is aligned with the relevant policies and standards.

disability rights advocates:This person would be an expert on the human rights of persons with disabilities, and would advocate for their inclusion and participation in education and society. The disability rights advocate would also raise awareness about the barriers and challenges faced by persons with disabilities, and promote their empowerment and dignity. The disability rights advocate would work closely with the project manager and other team members to ensure that the initiative is respectful, responsive and accessible to the needs and preferences of persons with disabilities.

inclusive education specialist:This person would be a professional in the field of education, with a focus on inclusive education for learners with disabilities. The inclusive education specialist would design and implement effective strategies and interventions to ensure that all learners have equal opportunities to access and benefit from quality education. The inclusive education specialist would also support teachers, school leaders and parents to create an inclusive, safe and welcoming learning environment for learners with disabilities.

well being counselor: This person would be a trained counsellor who can provide psychological and emotional support to learners with disabilities, as well as their families and caregivers. The wellbeing counsellor would help learners with disabilities cope with stress, anxiety, depression, trauma or other mental health issues that may affect their learning and wellbeing. The wellbeing counsellor would also facilitate group sessions or workshops to enhance the self-esteem, resilience and social skills of learners with disabilities.

volunteers:These people would be individuals who are willing to donate their time, energy and skills to support the initiative. Volunteers may have different roles and responsibilities depending on their interests and abilities. For example, some volunteers may assist learners with disabilities in their academic or extracurricular activities, some may provide technical or logistical support to the project team, some may help with fundraising or publicity efforts, etc. Volunteers are essential for the success of the initiative, as they can contribute to its diversity, sustainability and impact.

we need volunteers for the following departments:

policy and advocacy department: This department would be responsible for developing and promoting policies and practices that support the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities in education and society. The policy and advocacy department would also engage with various stakeholders, such as governments, civil society, media and donors, to influence their decisions and actions in favor of disability rights and inclusive education.

programs and services department: This department would be responsible for designing and implementing programs and services that address the needs and interests of persons with disabilities in education and wellbeing. The programs and services department would also monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the programs and services, and ensure their quality and sustainability.

research and innovation department: This department would be responsible for conducting and disseminating research on disability rights, education and wellbeing, and identifying best practices and innovative solutions. The research and innovation department would also collaborate with other researchers, practitioners, experts and persons with disabilities to generate new knowledge and evidence on disability issues.

capacity building and training: This department would be responsible for providing capacity building and training opportunities to staff, partners, volunteers and beneficiaries of the initiative. The capacity building and training department would also develop and share resources and tools to enhance the skills and knowledge of the target groups on disability rights, education and wellbeing.

communication and outreach department: This department would be responsible for developing and implementing communication and outreach strategies to raise awareness and visibility of the initiative. The communication and outreach department would also create and disseminate information materials, such as newsletters, reports, brochures, videos, podcasts, etc., to inform and engage the public on disability issues.

Note: if you are interested message me on WhatsApp at 09113031880 we are not paying its nonprofit organization and youth-led organization thank you💙.

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