Web 2.0 and women

Web 2.0 is the second generation of technology solution when interactive content is the norm, and it includes social networking sites, video sites, sharing sites and online communities sites, such as, twitter and facebook...etc. Through web 2.0 users can provide the data that is on a web 2.0 site and exercise some control over data, and develop better relationship among people with low cost. Web 2.0 has a great positive effect in the global women's movement because it gives safe spaces for women to build relationships, and share visions with others in order to reduce their isolation. The good news is that women are spending more times than men in exploring social networks according to theses statistics from


These statistics say that the percentages of female and male using social network are as the following

Male 43%
Female 57%

Male 48%
Female 52%

Male 45%
Female 55%

My space
Male 36%
female 64%

Thus, women from around the world become accessible and can come together to share ideas and experiences in ways they never thought possible. In addition, web 2.0 is empowering women to explore sensitive issues concerning gender, society and human rights. However, if we talked about Yemen, we will discover that the statistics of women using Web 2.o will be completely different .There is no official statistics yet about it, but let me give a glimpse about my country. Yemen is one of the poorest countries in the Middle East; a 70% of women are illiterates. Moreover, Women there have low statues because of various social, religious and political factors. So how do you think women in Yemen are using web 2.0 more than Men?

Because I believe how Web 2.0 and social network can change the women's life, I have committed my self to do something for them. Light a candle is better than cursing the darkness. I am now running a project in Yemen called \"Empowering women Activists in Media Techniques\". I have trained around 135 ladies in blogging and social networking. For more information about this project please have a look at this link http://rising.globalvoicesonline.org/projects/empowerment-of-women-activ...

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