'Wednes-date' on World Pulse

Dates are usually for Saturday or Friday nights. 

All the week while at work,or at school one is supposed to be lookin forward to the weekends for that movie,club or party outing or for that outing with a significant other .

For me Wednesdays are my favourite day for dates.i.e. a date with World Pulse.

Just like everything in World Pulse. Welcome Wednesdays are unique. It's an event that is meant to welcome and make new members feel at home .

There are many social media sites . Some with millions and millions of followers but I don't know of any that makes you feel at home .

I don't know of any that makes you feel like they care. I mean really care .

So if you are just joining World Pulse or you have been here for a while and have not had time to catch up, or you just feel like hanging out with people of like minds be sure not to miss the next Welcome Wednesday event .

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