Photo by: Faith Muli

I came across this trending term "Red Thigh Women" on TikTok, after a famous actor had died after proposing to a certain lady. People on the comment section argued that the ex boyfriend to the same lady had also died after he proposed to her, and therefore they termed the lady as a red thigh woman.

After thorough research, I came to realize that these enigmatic women, often referred to as femme fatales, have long been a subject of fascination and fear, with stories painting them as sexual vampires and bringers of misfortune.

The love surrounding these women suggests that they carry a sinister curse of malevolent spirit, one that condemns any man who becomes entangled with them to a grim fate, be it through sudden illness or accidents.

These women, are often described as exceptionally beautiful and charismatic, qualities that make them irresistibly attractive to men. The women themselves might remain oblivious to their curse until a string of mysterious deaths follows several failed marriages.

The red spot, according to Kikuyu culture in Kenya, is a symbol of danger, and marrying such a woman is considered a taboo, as it is believed to bring a curse upon the clan. This curse is said to be intergenerational, affecting husband who perish one after the other in rapid succession after cohabiting with these women.

While these women are termed charming beauties and magnets for romantic pursuits, there’s no external indicator to identifying their curse. These women ultimately lead isolated lives as stories of their deceased husbands spread throughout the villages.

According to Kikuyu culture, during intercourse, these women with red spot drains energy from their partner, rendering them weak and potentially leading strange ailment and, ultimately death.

Surprisingly, these individuals indeed have a red spot on their inner thigh or private parts which gives rise to the name however, the origin of the phenomenon remains a mystery.

The women themselves may remain unaware of their curse until a series of mysterious death follow several marriage/relationship.

The enigma of the ‘Red Thigh Woman’ continues to perplex and terrify communities, leaving them to grapple with the age-old question of whether these cursed women are indeed responsible for the tragic fates of those who dare to love them.

According to some Kenyan critics on Reddit, this myth is true and is not only limited to Kikuyu, but goes beyond the African horizon.

These women are known as man-killers though they look absolutely innocent, for these women to save their face, and escape shame, they relocate from their villages with her whereabout being unknown.

I think these women are mere victims of male chauvinism. There could be a variety of reasons to why a person in seemingly good health can die from, but not because of some ridiculous spot that could very well be a birth mark. Why is it autopsy results of supposed victims of these women show cause of death as something medically explainable?

Maybe the red marks could be a result of genetic alterations and may have nothing to do with a supposed victim’s death.

Gender bias and discrimination have held these women back by stereotyping them as ‘Red Thigh Women.’ This is an extreme form of hatred on women.

These are superstitious believes watered by a people’s fertile imagination. Medically, I haven’t heard of death being attributed to mark or spot of body of another person.

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