What Makes a Young Lady Attractive?

Art& Culture

Photo Credit: Pinterest


It's Simple.

For me its more than just looks. For others its looks, but what about You? Yes you, what do you think makes a lady attractive? I was heading for a grocery store when i happened to come across a girl who was beautiful, her beauty was breathtaking let me add. However she was not in the best of conditions, she had nowhere to call home she was abandoned by her friends and she lost her parents since birth. This girl was an orphan but she had clothes and shoes. With her she carried little objects which were used up and thrown into the trash which she called, "treasures" i asked her why she called them treasures she responded by saying they were the things that she admire very much. But they were things that were used in our day to day living at homes.

She went on to explain that even though she's homeless she sees herself as someone who is elegant and focused. She believes that what will attract the help she was looking for was the perfume bottle she had, her smile and her patience. But most of all what mattered was her perfume bottle. How odd right? Why would a perfume bottle be the thing that would attract help to her? She spoke really good English and had her old study book with her.

The young lady believed that her fragrance can attract the help she was looking for and the perfume bottle was to remind her that she was worth all of the beautiful things life could offer her even though she was in a bad situation. Immediately her responses caught my attention and she eventually found the help she was looking for...........💐🤍🌹🦋

What you believe you are is Who you will Become

Your Identity cannot be hidden as long as you believe in your truest potentials

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