What the Sisterhood means to me.

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Jul 9

Joined Feb 3, 2023

Growth, it has been a year into the sisterhood and I have grown in different areas of life from how I think, talk, and react. I learned that I am what I choose to consume from those around me and the society at large and that affects my thinking, reaction, and talking, so if I dwell on the negativity everything about me will be negative and so with positivity. Don’t let whatever goes around you dictate your decisions fully because somehow you will lose yourself and don’t dwell on one bad experience, take the lesson and improve on yourself. It takes a great and influential platform to grow at a personal level, I haven’t gotten to where I would want to be but the baby steps are amazing. For me, my dreams, goals, desires, and ambitions are greater than my frustrations and there is always something worth fighting for or living for, focus, set your priorities right, and watch yourself grow. An arena to exploit my potential fully and express myself without the fear of being judged or ridiculed

Re-introduction, I am not who I used to be and for some reason, people no longer recognize my, character because I walked away from the old girl they knew they could easily manipulate. I am confident, courageous, and fearless and I don’t take in anything, if it will cost me my value and peace, no matter how good the deal is I let it go. If you don’t like the new me, I am sorry, but the door is wide open to find your preferred replacement. I know what I want, and how I want it, and as long as it won’t hurt a good person I am going for it because I deserve it, I know my worth, and no account shows I drop my principles to accommodate anyone because whoever realizes my worth will find me.

Connections, it has the right people to connect with, so kind and always ready to help. In the sisterhood, you can never go wrong with getting the right people to guide you appropriately. Not just for me but I feel like the connection is going a long way in forming an unbreakable chain where education, awareness, entertainment, and coaching are prioritized. Your need comes first per the sisterhood it doesn’t matter who you are. The sisterhood is beautiful and I pray it stays that way forever, a legacy in which so many stories and reality will be captured for the future generations to borrow from. It has taught me ways to live in dignity and cause the changes I want in life.

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