
My name is Jeniffer Maina from Nairobi, Kenya. I must say I am so happy to connect with women making change as we have a common purpose. I am sure there's many women here who are ahead of the game and would offer guidance and mentorship. I came across your website while looking through to see what organisations are doing for vulnerable families and children. I have a passion to work to uplift the lives of children and to see them pursue their dreams regardless of where they come from. In my small neighborhood here I brought together a group of friends to help out vulnerable children from families with sick breadwinners mostly chronic illnesses. It has always caught my attention seeing children laying about looking hungry, not going to school and that's how I came to realise there's so many homes where Children are sleeping hungry, no clothes, no education because their parents can barely get out of bed. So we began giving food and since we don't have much I actually take it upon myself to negotiate with the schools to keep them in school because of the dire situations at home or at times reaching out to the media to air their stories online for more people to come to their aid. The needs are so many. I would wish to be mentored by an organisation or individuals to touch and change more lives. I am willing to even volunteer if you allow me so I can learn from you and possibly learn how to find more ways to finance this project. Thank you for reading through.

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