Women Empowerment a top priority
May 28, 2019
Joined Nov 27, 2014
Grassroot movement buiding for me is mobilizing women to create change in their family and community. If a women can create change in her family,it will inturn affect her community.
A woman given the right opportunity and rsource can be sourceful in her endevours.Through Pathfinder initiatives i planned to give a short term soft loan to hard working women to either start up a new business or compliement and existing one by the month of December 2015.
I remember last year october 2014, the government of Lagos state then,organise a training on women empowerment where women were trained in different vocation.Hundreds of women turned up for this programme and were trained in different vocation for three weeks at the end where given cetificate ,i was part of the programme because i was not working at that particular time, i learnt bead accessories making.
If we empower women economically then she will inturn make a change in her own communty.