Women Freelancers' Collective (WFC)
Dec 11, 2024

Aliya Bashir
Joined Mar 8, 2010

Photo Credit: WFC team
Women Freelancers' Collective
In honour of my beloved teacher, Izhar Wani, the head of Agence France-Presse’s (AFP) Kashmir office, who passed away on April 4, 2012, the Women Freelancers’ Collective (WFC) was founded.
We conducted a few workshops in Kashmir in 2013, inviting media educators to engage with journalism students and working journalists. They were creative, vivacious, and all-female coworkers. After that, the floods of 2014 compelled us to curtail our activity. I relocated to New Delhi in the same year since I was working on projects for the @globalpressjournal and they assisted me with the transfer.
Then, with so many ups and downs in life, I never got the right opportunity to restart things.
For the last year, with the help of colleagues and friends both inside and outside the business, we launched Women Freelancers’ Collective with the goal of networking, cooperation, mentorship, and shared resources for women freelancers of colour in the Global South.
The platform is for EVERY WOMAN FREELANCER who suffers significant challenges in revealing important themes. We are dedicated to creating an atmosphere in which female journalists can thrive and contribute to a more diverse, nuanced media landscape that benefits everyone. In addition to improving journalism, let us collaborate as colleagues and help one another to raise awareness of the challenges that disadvantaged groups face across the world.
WFC is a non-profit alliance of women journalists from the Global South whose voices are underrepresented in international news media.
Instagram: @womenfreelancecollective
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/@WomenFreelancersCollective
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/women-freelancers-collective-66977030a/
X: https://x.com/WomenFreelanceN
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