Women in Tech empowerment (WITE)

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Advocate Faizaf

Joined Apr 29, 2024

Mission: WITE aims to bridge the gender gap in tech by empowering women to pursue careers in technology and become leaders in the industry

Tagline: "Empowering women to shape the future of tech."

In a world where technology is rapidly changing the landscape of our lives, women are often left behind. Despite making up half of the population, women hold less than 25% of tech jobs. WITE believes that this disparity is not only unfair but also hinders innovation and progress.

Our story begins with a group of women from diverse backgrounds who share a common passion for technology to empower themselves and women around them suffering in Silence whether financially or a victim of violence. They come together to form WITE, the vision behind it is a community-driven organization dedicated to empowering women to succeed in tech.

Through mentorship programs, workshops, and networking events, WITE provides women and young girls with the skills and support they need to thrive in the tech industry. Our initiatives focus on:

- Education and training

- Remote Career development

- Leadership and mentorship

- Community building and networking

As WITE grows, so does its impact. More women join the tech workforce, get economically empowered, and become leaders in their fields. The narrative expands to showcase the ripple effect of WITE's efforts:

- Women creating innovative solutions to real-world problems

- Role models inspiring the next generation of girls to pursue tech careers

- A more diverse and inclusive tech industry driving positive change

Digital Skills
Training - Social Entrepreneurship
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