Apr 10, 2024
Busayo Obisakin
Feb 22
Joined Feb 19, 2009
Photo Credit: Yes, I can share this image
Busayo with World Pulse CEO and Staff in 2010
Just like yesterday, in June, 2009, I got connected to World Pulse Voice of Our Future Correspondence. I got connected to a life changer, a life builder, a life transformer community called “WORLD PULSE”. A pulse indeed that must not stop because it gives lives to as many people that got in contact with it. World Pulse took me from a disempowered person to an empowered giant, from being an echo to a formidable voice, a builder, a pathfinder, a silence breaker with a great connection round the world.
I was one of the first class of the Voice of Our Future Correspondence (VOF) in 2009. I remember it was the time access to internet was not safe at all because you had to go to few cybercafés around which was full of unruly boys tagged “Yahoo Boys” (The boys that do scam on Internet). Each time that I have to submit my assignment, my husband has to follow me as my security to the café. It was a great of transformation in my life that when you are resilience in achieving your vision, sky is not the Limit at all. At the end of the competition, I emerged as the recipient of scholarship to go to US to attend Empowerment Institute.
As I was going in January, 2010, it was like a journey to the unknown. Many questions were in my mind as I was travelling out of my country and entering aircraft for the first time. What if the people that invited me were vampires? What if they are killers? What if I go and I missed my way and never come back? But despite all these questions, the thirst in me to join other women at World Pulse that are making great impacts in their countries to alleviate the sufferings of women and girls gave me the courage to take the risk. Today, I am so glad that I took that risk that have not only transformed my life but also the lives of thousands of women and girls in Nigeria that their lives have been transformed through my empowerment journey.
In January, 2010, in America, I was opportune to meet in person several World Pulse Sisters, staff and Board members. My first meeting with Jensine, the founder and CEO of World Pulse and our sleeping together on the same bed will resonate with me forever. My first meeting with my mentor Amy Lombardo who I always called my Angel because of the powerful roles she played in my getting visa to US and the one who first housed me in New York. I will never forget my meetings and experience of my time with Lin, Jade, Ann Graham, Ellen, Fatimoh, Gail, Theresa and the host of other World Pulse staff and volunteers. My Connection with Tam, Dawn, Jill, Kirthi, Olutosin, Olanike and the host of others that have been my pillars of supports in this journey. Some that have met in Person, some that I have not met physical but it is like we are sleeping in the same house every day because of the kind of connection we have at World Pulse. Some that have supported my work in cash and kind, some that their encouragement cannot be quantify with any amount of money. World Pulse has been a place of power houses that kept giving birth to more and more power houses round the world.
Presently, my organization is training six (6) World Pulse sisters’ organizations as our sub-grantees in our new project. I have empowered 8,250 women and girls in Nigeria that have translated to 82,500 direct impact and indirect impact of about 825,000. Look at what World Pulse can turn a life to in a jinx. We get the urge to do more in our different communities from World Pulse everyday as we read the stories of impact of women and men in their different countries and how they are doing it.
World Pulse is a unique community where when you go to encourage, you get encouragement, you get healing and new things that keeps you going in your vision. MAY THE PULSE OF WORLD PULSE NEVER STOP!!! Happy 20th Birthday to us all!!!