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Joined Nov 11, 2023

Photo Credit: world pulse

the last training Tuesday of world pulse calendar year

for those who missed yesterday last training it was so amazing and so informative personally i didn't know more about power shifting strategies until had the opportunity to joining an hour of training with amazing team .picture this there was host who was Kirth i was so happy to see her then there was Kelly the sign language interpreter that did a great job i had invited a girl that communicates with sign language she texted me after the training was done to say the event was awesome that only put a smile on my face . Kirth made a mazing introduction and introduced the three executive team of great woman followed by their names and their position in world pulse, then Kirth gave the definition of POWER her definition was ability to influence thats how i understood it from my own interpretation and i like her explanation that was very convincing on my side. she then went a head to teach me and others who were listening how POWER NANIFEST !she mentioned seven type of power which includes (1).VISIBLE POWER,; its like evident or even policy regulations by law (2)HIDDEN POWER'; she said its easy to see, upfront..(3)POWER WITHIN'; ability to do something when we want to (4)POWER TO TELL'; its how we choose to share our story on world pulse and how we prefer it to be shared (5) POWER WHEN;' how to engage others in the community , bringing togetherness (6)POWER OVER ;'the power we see on others (7)POWER UNDER;'this is when there is dominance .so this was my short definition of what Kirth talked about during zoom training .then Kirth gave us four tips HOW POWER WORKS they include (1) CETER ACCOUNTABILITY;' this is like judicial process (2)EDUCATING OTHERS;' by building bridges and doing a collective work together (3)COLLECTIVE WORK'; you engage collective political leadership (4) SHARING POWER'; reflecting on oneself through power hence collective engagements. and in my own understanding this is how i got the training explanation on this four topics. afterword's Kirth invited the three speakers to share their understanding on power shifting they include the following Chiyen kalo from Nigeria ,, E.J A and Tam from Canada , they really gave same amazing idea of what really power means to them it was really amazing to listen to their thought all the way from different countries across the continent but at the end of the training they brought us together with their definition of power!.. the trio really added color to the training i remember what E.J.A said '' that sometimes decisions are made not on who has the power and who doesn't and yes i wrote it down on my minutes then there was Tam who talked about women freedom which is a broad new idea she also talked about gender based violence in broader aspect as she was explaining that added color to the training especially during violence awareness month that was really nice also the question part was awesome i could see attendees asking questions and they get their questions answered immediately that was so encouraging and beautiful. during question asking in the chat i saw names i have read their stories in world pulse and the engagement was so amazing to me i really like the togetherness of world pulse.. this was my third Tuesday training in world pulse ever since i celebrated my first year anniversary with my favorite website and i can say it has changed me and i will never miss more training as from next year i want to attend all the training in the next 2025world pulse calendar its all saved on my diary with a reminder and i promise to invite five new people always to join the training thats my motto . when the training came to conclusion the host kirth reminded us of the closing party event that i really look forward to it will be my first closing party so i will enjoy all the activities for the day . the three training i have attended this year have changed how i do things and the last training which was power shifting has given me idea on how to delegate power to others when time is right .always educate others and engage them don't be selfish while shifting powers don't forget about GBV while shifting power as Tam trained us . I'm so thankful for the gift of knowledge world pulse has instilled me i don't know who would have if i never dedicated my time to training the offer i will continue preaching to women to join world pulse as it a social network women need all the time .its the only place you can say it all and your voice be amplified by many across the continent . thank you for this website , thank you for the great team you have both past and present , both supporting or donating to in any other way , thank you for the free training Tuesday its so informative , so encouraging , so engaging its feels like home , every time the zoom meeting ends you feel like wow that was nice and i wont want to miss the next one no matter how busy i will be i will attend the next training. thank you for the opportunity , the doors you have open along the way ,new friendships you have given me , the recognition badges that color my profile , thank you for the big smile you brought back on my face , your website freed my soul from many unspoken words . thank you so much and i really looking forward to many good training , stories ,activism , engagement , laughter, from this team .and as we come to the end of the year i want to wish everyone a happy thanks giving because i'm thankful for many things i have learned , read , watched listen to , lovely faces on here.

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