Youths, Forget the Cinderella story, go make your own!

You know the dreamswe always have as teenagers and youth.., join college, graduate, get a great job, earn lots of money, start a business, build a home and eventually marry/get married. Some times its the reverse of these events, and even other times these events don't occur in the period we stipulated. With the current credit crunch in Uganda, one will graduate from college and take ages to find a job, probably 5 years; and when they eventually do find one, it pays $100 or less per month and they are going to work for this money for close to another 5 years. now this person is already making 30 years and they have not achieved anything in life, other than life!

My advise to the youth;after college, don't look for a white collar job. Go to the backyard of your home and start from there.Grow pepper, potatoes, vegetables and anything that doesn't require alot of care and attention.Harvest this, sell on the road, to shops, supermarkets...before you know it, you will be exporting to India, USA and many other countries. Don't waste your youth!

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