
Yumzaa Foundation; Call for volunteers, partners and supporters.

Yumzaa foundation seeks to identify, recruit and empower voices of children, women and young people for them to gain a strong footing in society for sustainable development.

For the past 6 years (January 2018 to date), Yumzaa Foundation has been operational in the Sagnairigu Municipality, Tamale metropolitan, Kumbungu district and the Savelugu municipality all in the Northern Region of Ghana.

Over 1,000 persons (beneficiaries) have been reached over the 6 years of our service. We are hopeful of reaching at least 5,000 extra persons in the next 6 years.

Yumzaa foundation is a women and youth led charity organization which does several activities in areas of education, health, empowerment and climate change.

Some projects and activities we have embarked/carried out includes:

  • donation of educational materials (reading and writing books, pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners, etc.), clothes, shoes and other items to deprived schools and communities, including the Orphanage.
  • organized several reading and writing activities for children.
  • establish 20 reading and writing clubs in 20 basic schools across our areas of work.
  • establish 5 powerful adolescent clubs/girls club in 5 junior high schools in Tamale.
  • organized women and youth capacity building and empowerment forums and seminars.
  • attached young people for internships and jobs opportunities.
  • community durbars
  • radio discussions
  • cleanup exercises
  • sanitary pad donations and girls' health education programmes
  • etc.

For all these years, Yumzaa foundation has been self-funded in our activities. Support usually comes from some members and friends in form of donation. It is our hope that with time, we are blessed with external support to be able to reach more beneficiaries.

We are therefore opened for volunteers, support, donations and partnerships from individuals and groups who find connection and/or interest in our works towards national development.

Kindly follow us for more interaction via the following:

+233(0)540650730 and +233(0)503089641

(20+) Facebook

NB: I could not attach a picture to this post because they all appear blur when attached here. But kindly find time to read more about our works via our Facebook page. Kindly reach out to us via the email or contacts above for further deliberations.

Menstrual Health
Climate Change
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