20s: The whirlwind years

The twenties in a woman's life is one that goes so fast. So much to do . So many places to go and so many friends to make .

It's one where you often don't take a critical look at things. You take incredible risks and wonder how you ever came out of it safely

In my 20s I took a road trip across West Africa. My money was stolen at the border just as I crossed but I met nice people along the way that paid my fare to and fro till I got back to my home country .Now I would not be so trusting or be so naive as to travel on a road trip and to put all my money in one pocket .

Life in the 20s is an adventure but it can also be a time where you miss out on opportunities. Where you find it so hard to wait and make some mistakes because you were in such a hurry .

Have fun, do what gives you joy but also try to listen to those who have walked on the road you are walking. Maybe they have something to tell you that might not make sense at the moment but on hindsight will make you glad that you paused from the flurry of activities to listen

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