A case file gaining dust

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Urmila Chanam


Apr 15

Joined Jan 10, 2010

Jan 13, Bihar, India

In Bhagalpur, Bihar, the central part of India a woman bound on a train heading for Delhi with her son, was found hanging from a tree disrobed partially, with liquor bottles all around her. The media first plunged on the angle of a gang rape, which has been rubbished by the post-mortem results which deny that possibility. The media and the people in India say that it's just another case of suicide then.

Post- mortem reports says no rape has occured and media blames it on her for taking her own life by suggesting SUICIDE. It serves no purpose for law to even pursue another angle because in India blame-the-woman psyche runs deeper than the reality and atrocity against women.

It's not persuasive enough to believe that a woman would get down from a running train to commit suicide. Certainly, there is foul play and when it revolves around the plight of a poor woman in the country, we can expect no justice. Just another case file gaining dust.

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