
Be encouraged

A gentle reminder ♥️

As a Lady and a single mom to be more precised, try your best not be lacking in all aspect. Try your utmost best not to be lazy please 🙏 

How do you explain the fact that at this age of "Dog eat dog" ( competitive age ) there is nothing you can offer. No jobs, no certificate, no business etc... There are trade you can be an expert therein within 6months of training yet , it's with great dismay that we still find our sisters out there sleeping from morning to night expecting money from inigmatic sources.🤦

day in day out some ladies endure humiliation, torture and pain from Men, relative, friends etc.. but are unable to leave such toxic environment because should they do, they will not have food to sustain them till the next available person/ boyfriend shows up🤦💔it's actually heart breaking to see and hear such when we can actually make a better livelyhood for ourselves if we shun the idea of wanting an easy ride. 

There are so many opportunities out there waiting for us to exploit but the one million questions is... How ready are you ? Do you have the necessary skill that can sell you? Or we have decided to limite ourselves under every controversial blog on Facebook while others are making it big?

This is not to castigate us rather it's to encourage us to face life with all enthusiasm and determination to succeed and write a name for future generations.

If other did it coming from the underground then no one is an exception unless we decide willfully to be a failures.

While Hoping that you will be my Guess on that table Crown with successful men and women, let's double our hustle for those who are on the field already. while urging those still dragging legs to joint us.

Dare and have it on your table.

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